Office Furniture 01 Revit Families
The package contains office furniture: desks, reception desks, drawer units, cabinets, and call center workstations. There are 30 parametric families, for which you can set the dimensions according to your needs.
The material used for the furnishings is mainly wood with three finishes: bamboo, maple and oak.
Some families are helpful in furnishing both the office and the home office.
Dimensions and materials are set as "instance parameters".
Last update: adding 5 families to the package, parameterizing dimensions as "instance parameters," and parameterization of materials as "instance parameters.
Family Category: Furniture
Parameters: Dimensions of office furniture. Opening drawers and doors. Materials.
Please make sure your Revit version is compatible with the product version
- Revit Version: 2020
- The download folder includesΒ 30 Revit Families
Pack Categories:
Units System: